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Our Services

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Problems Exploration

Infravastu identifies and addresses infrastructure challenges through comprehensive problem exploration.

Problems Exploration

Create user stories and issues, plan sprints, and distribute useful tasks across your best software team.

Complete Solution

Dictumst luctus suspendisse est finibus quisque morbi accumsan phasellus praesent

Complete Solution

Dictumst luctus suspendisse est finibus quisque morbi accumsan phasellus praesent.

Guaranteed Relief

Infravastu ensures guaranteed relief through tailored solutions and proven methods.

Guaranteed Relief

Infravastu ensures guaranteed relief through tailored solutions and proven methods.

Absord The Energy

Infravastu absorbs and channels natural energy for balanced infrastructure harmony.

Absord The Energy

Infravastu absorbs and channels natural energy for balanced infrastructure harmony.

Universe's most exceptional Energy Regulating Enterprise for the Infrastructure well being

is indeed a scientific and technological scheme that supports individuals from all over the world, irrespective of any superstition, religion or community as:

Planning, execution, and approval of infrastructural establishments on virgin barren Land, plot, Layout, and Sketch- Design.

Complete Solutions for global infrastructure setups such as corporations, Health, Education, Smart Cities, etc., with worldwide manufacturing, Factory, and Industry Profiles.

InfraVastu provides the world's very first unique scientific and logical theory that deals with:

The Techno guide and management with the control on hidden and concealed energy of Nature

36 disease symptoms

According to medical science, the human body overcome 36 form of sickness symptoms (@ 12 from each ) due to its natual state

16 Direction Zones

16 direction zones specifying individual positive and negative outcomes @22 30 mins, a total of 360° cycle is observed from magnetic north 0″ over any infrastructural installations, which is comparable to the earth spinning on its axis and circling around the sun

32 sectional entries

32 sectional entry @ 11 25 minutes each are offered to any establishment on 16 zones 360 Only choose one of the ten advantageous entrar paths shown in the diagram

7 no.s of Human body-Earth Connection Points

These are 7 sensitive locations where the earth and humans connect, and extra caution must be exercised to avoid any harm to the connective points on the infrastructural establishment.

32 Infra Health base

In the erected locations, 16 super sensitive, 8 sensitive, and 8 sub sensitive health affecting points are detected out of 32 health infra bases, Precaution to avoid these bases so that the inhabitants are not exposed to health risks.

45 energy Vibrations under Nature's 5 Elements.

  • In any infrastructure, the Naval center (Earth’s gravitational pull) is the source and flow of primary energy, i.e. the junction point (Arithmetical formula applicable) of the North-South magnetic energy flow and the Earth’s East-West equator.

Instead of remaining free, no heavy object in the center poim beneath and over any intrastructure, rather than keeping free

  • Secondary energy vibrations (4 categories) are sensed in 4 directions (North, South, East, and West) surrounding the core zone of any infrastructure.
  • c) Post Secondary energy vibrations (8 categories @2 in each) are detected in 4 corner directions (North-East, South-West South-East, and North-West) surrounding to the secondary energy leaders zone of any infrastructure.
  • d) Third level energy vibrations (32) categories @8 In each) are recognized in 4 directions (North, South, East, and West) covers up to the boundary wall of any infrastructures.

As stated above, total energy vibrations of 1+4+8+32=45 have positive and negative on the habitats of any infrastructure, so to take measeures accordingly

Technical Devices:-

The aluminum Stainless steel, Copper, Brass & Iron are are the right scientific primary metals to provide the required remedy for Nature’s 5 elements like Water, Fire, Air, Soil & Space respectively.

Based on above, some of the major devices are made:

  • Element straps
  • Energy Plates
  • Power Pencils
  • Vibration Metal tablets
  • Energy Lubricants
  • Zone booster lotions
  • Energy capture rollers
  • Earth detector rods
  • Power Pyramids
  • Spiritual Springs
  • Spiral / Curvy metals for ground strength

Foreses the secret clues and makes the level best efforts to overcome the hazards keeping up fit with the infrastructual establishment through

7 no.s of Earth-Human  Connection Points

16 Direction Zones

32 sectional entries

32 Infra Health base 

36 disease symptoms

45 energy vibrations under Nature’s 5 Elements

(a) Energy test mechanism system by utilizing some of the high-tech machines & instruments

(b) Some of the above major Remedies fix up with technical devices without any demolitian

InfraVastu (Exceptional Energy Regulating Enterprise in the Universe)

Normally every setup/organization/project/state/Nation is overseen by a team with a high level of eduction, in – depth knowledge, sharp skills, matured experiences, dedicated efforts, and more than enough financial investments.

Infravastu offers scientific guidance to harmonize spaces with nature, promoting holistic well-being, prosperity, and sustainable living through personalized solutions.
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